Wir werden einen Interviewtermin mit Humberto Ramos und freilich schon einige Fragen vorbereitet. Aber wir wollen auch noch ein wenig sammeln. Also wenn Ihr Fragen habt, scheibt sie hier rein und wir stellen sie dann eventuell.

Das sind unsere bisherigen Fragen:
  • Olà. First of all, thanks a lot, that you took the time for this interview. Are you the first time in Germany? What did you see until now?
  • You live in Mexico City. How is the life there?
  • From 1998 to 2003 you were working for your own label "Cliffhanger". Was this your dream come true?
  • What is more interesting? Working on your own creator-owned-titles or on titles like Spider-Man or Wolverine?
  • We did see a lot of different titles from you. Crimson was vampire-series, Spider-Man the usual super-hero, Revelations a story about believe and hell, to give some examples. Which one was your preferred?
  • You have also launched a title in France, together with Soleil Productions, written by Crisse, which is a Space Opera. How did this come up?
  • Wolverine, Revelations and a Space Opera, how does this fix together?
  • Are you religious?